Monthly Archives: November 2018


People sought to make her life hell
Yet she took all of their despair
And turned it into gold

Embracing and engulfing the abuse
Their efforts never of use
For her eyes had seen evil
And her ears had bled from defeat
Her body had felt oppression

There was little that could make her retreat

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Unafraid of the Dead

The blood seeps from me
And so I lie there drained

Not nearly as death like as a ballerina
But performative all the same

And so I lug myself through this journey
The road lined with trees up ahead
It’s also dark but welcoming
I do not fear nor dread

Because even if death should take me
Yhe process is simple
Life death Life death

Life never really has an end

Without darkness there is no light

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Madame Viewer

Why do you wish to see my displeasure
My unhappiness
The essence of death lingering from my breath

Why does the pain in my chest
And the rasping of my breath
Bring you to titillating ecstasy?

Another pained beautiful black body
Beautiful for its pain and physical endurance of humiliation and disgrace?

What story of pain would you like this time, My Lady?
The sexual trauma or the manifestation of my crazy?

Oh dear fragile lady, come, let me bring you to a high and mighty ecstasy
Whilst you look at this menagerie that is me

Come, drink my pain like an elixir
Become drunk on the bile that leaves my soul
So you may feel a little lighter, a little purer
Line my pockets with your pitiful tears

Am I being unfair?
Please, stop me
If you believe I am truly worthy of this thorny crown you intertwine in my afro hair

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Mujer Salvaje

The main display in the menagerie
But I escaped, they can’t control me

My proximity is their uncomfortability
My freedom the gerd in their throat

“Who allowed this woman of such wildish nature loose, in our pristine white space?

We despise her confidence and grit.

Lead her outside.

Out of sight, out of mind”

I could hear the cry of their hearts

But my feet were placed firmly all around me.

Taking up space was my mission.
My freedom my resistance.
Their disgust, the beginning of their destruction.

And so I roamed their spaces with my long legs
A high head
And knew the lashes of their whip reflected off of me
With every confident move I made

No more a ‘campesino’
No more a ‘Animal Salvaje’

But in my arrogance I forget I can self destruct
From the pressures
All the pressures.

So let me leave now
To truly feel free now
And love myself in all my wildish ways

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